Terms and Conditions
1. Expression Music School Ltd (EMS) is an independent informal music school that is focused on teaching culture to African – Brits children through the teaching of musical instruments.
2. We aim to run a bespoke programme for each student with a minimum of 4 classes each month. Group sessions could also be arranged for group of students either virtually or in-person.
3. We expect that after 6 months training, our students will be confident and able to play their instruments of choice independently with no supervision, this is however dependent on each child’s ability and often he/she practices.
4. A student can register for a more advanced class after the 6 months programme.
5. Each class would run for an hour per session
6. There would be individual Tutor-student follow up via email/text messages/phone call or any other form of communication.
7. Classes are either in person or virtual. For virtual classes, all students are required to have their own instruments.
Payment Policy.
1. Payments would be received on a monthly basis.
2. The only payment acceptable for now is via bank transfer.
3. Payments would be received at the end of the month.
4. There would be an Admin fee (a one-time payment) for registration and other administrative works.
5. Payments for an hour session would be £20 per student and £50 for a group of five students.
6. Bank details for payment is Acct no – 45848930, sort code – 23-05-80
Acct name – Expression Music School Ltd
Missed Lesson
1. There may be occasions when your child is unable to attend a lesson (for example sickness, school trips, holidays etc), Parents are therefore advised to inform the school of any cancellation at least 48 hours (except emergencies) before the session, in that case, such sessions could be carried forward.
2. If the Music School is not informed of a cancellation in time as stated in the above condition (1), payment would be received for such session at the end of the month.
Cancellation policy
3. At least, 2 weeks’ notice should be provided if a student would no longer continue with the school and lessons can only cease at the end of the month.
I have carefully read the above terms and conditions and I’m satisfied with each of the policy.